THE sixth annual Chunches de MarArt-Camp Festival kicked off on Jan. 12near Montezuma, on the southern tip of theNicoya Peninsula in the Puntarenasprovince. Artists from Costa Rica andaround the world have arrived to camp onthe beach, share ideas and work on theirpieces, to be exhibited at Hotel Luz deMono in Montezuma.The festival’s name is derived from thematerials used by the artists; chunches demar are any objects that have driftedashore from the sea. Artists at the campemploy their creativity to take advantageof items found on the beach, such as driftwood,shells and even trash, to producesome of their creations.The festival’s main goal is to unite peoplethrough art, by inviting artists whowish to express their creativity and performat the camp’s beautiful location.Tourists and residents are encouraged toshare knowledge about what is happeningin the art world, and artists receive internationalexposure.OPEN through Jan. 30, the artists’camp is in the Romelia Wildlife Refuge,approximately 50 minutes fromMontezuma on the way to El Chorrowaterfall. An exhibition of the pieces createdat the camp will open Jan. 29 at 8 p.m.,at Hotel Luz de Mono (642-0010); the artwill be displayed at the hotel for twomonths.Chunches de Mar Art Camp is seeking“friends,” or sponsors, to help offsetexpenses such as transportation, suppliesand accommodations for artists, and toopen an exhibition in San José. For info,contact Nefertiti Ingalls at e-mail or phone 642-0010.
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