THREE family members were killedduring a landslide Oct. 21 on Isla Violín,an island near Sierpe de Osa, on thesouthern Pacific coast, the daily LaNación reported.The victims were identified as donIsabel de los Angeles Gutiérrez, 42; hiswife Maura Espinoza, 29; and the couple’sdaughter, 9-year-old DannalyGutiérrez.The three were apparently the onlyinhabitants of the island, which is part ofthe Térraba Sierpe National Wetland, andlived in a small hut that was completelydestroyed by the landslide, La Naciónreported.Heavy rains last week inundated theSouthern Zone, causing widespreadflooding, power outages and potablewater shortages along the Pacific slope.