I N T E R N A -TIONALLY knownlight-tackle anglerEnrico Capozziadded another worldrecord to his impressivelist with a 11.5-pound mutton snappertaken on 12-pound-test line fishinglast week withCapt. BobbyMcGinnis on theSweet Dreams, out of the southern Pacificport city of Golfito.According to Dar Randall, this bringsCapozzi’s total International Game FishAssociation (IGFA) records to 33 since hefirst entered the record book in March 2000with a black marlin weighing 159 poundson four-pound line and another 152 pounderon two-pound line, along with a 218-poundstriped marlin on four-pound line.Capozzi returned to Costa Rica inAugust of the same year to nail the stripedmarlin four-pound test record with a 218pounder and a 735-pound black marlin onsix-pound line, Randall said.A SPRINKLING of sailfish, tuna anddorado is reported further north along thePacific coast, with Mike Pruitt nailing animpressive 180-pound yellowfin tuna on theHoo’s Up, out of Los Sueños.There has been no let up on the tarponaction at Barra del Colorado, on the northernCaribbean coast, where Rio Colorado Lodgeoperator Dan Wise reports the Phil Hooverfamily is back and the eight anglers in hisparty last Sunday hooked more than 70 tarponand brought 29 to the boat for release.Similar action was found further upriver,where Bob Hohl, my old fishingbuddy and former tackle manufacturer inCosta Rica, reports 19 anglers fishing atCasamar last week had more than 500 tarponin the air, with 130 caught and released.He said Casamar is almost totally bookedfrom now through the end of October.HOHL first introduced me to CostaRica fishing in the early 1980s on trips toLake Arenal and since getting out of thetackle business can generally be found at theNew York Bar, a favorite hang out ofanglers in downtown San José.Things at Arenal continue much asreported here last week, with a lot of rainbowbass to two kilos being taken on surfacelures and spinner baits inshore.For more info on fishing or assistancein planning a trip to Costa Rica, contactJerry at jruhlow@costaricaoutdoors.comor visit www.costaricaoutdoors.comSkippers, operators and anglers areinvited to e-mail or call Jerry with fishingreports by Wednesday of each week. Call orfax: 282-6743 if calling from Costa Rica, orthrough the e-mail address above.
Today in Costa Rica