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HomeArchiveOutdoor Show Filming in Costa Rica

Outdoor Show Filming in Costa Rica

Río ColoradoLodge operator DanWise is back in thecountry. He reportedthat last Sunday theDonald Kausmangroup of six anglersfrom Ohio caughtand released 24 of 37tarpon hooked, andalso took a 22- and37-pound yellowfintuna in two days,fishing outside the river mouth at Barra delColorado on the northern Caribbean coast.Fishing inside the river, the group caughtmojara.The weather has been ideal at BarraColorado, with flat seas and blue skies.On the southern Pacific coast in theGolfito region, Todd Staley at CrocodileBay reports fishing “a little tough offshore,”with lots of freshwater pushing thegreen water well to the outside.“While several boats last week fishedone day unsuccessfully offshore, LarryBurns from Atlanta decided it best to try theinshore waters for roosterfish,” Staley said.“Fishing solo with Capt. Cristian Alvaro,the two ran live baits off the stern less than100 yards from the beach. Larry not onlycaught a sail where they are not supposed tobe, but the fish was estimated at 130 poundsand that’s big for any waters.”On the northern Pacific coast, Wetass IIskipper Sonny Kocsis said fishing issteady, with 3-5 sailfish about the averagefor most boats, along with tuna, dorado anda wahoo now and then.A few sailfish are still being takenalong the central coast, with the fourreleases on the Dream II and one on DreamI on Thursday of last week – the best reportwe’ve received from that area.In north-central Costa Rica, LakeArenal freshwater guide Tersio Hidalgosaid they are catching a lot of rainbow bassto two kilos in the early morning, throwingwhite spinner baits and surface poppersinto the structure along the shoreline.Deep trolling, which is how the biggerfish are most often taken at the lake, hasbeen slow because of the winds, which createturbulence and dirty the water, Hidalgoadded.I hope to be fishing part of this week,with Doug Houston, who hosts an internationallyknown outdoor television show, andhis crew, who asked us to help arrange atrip. The group was scheduled to arrive atpress time – fish tarpon and snook at the RioColorado Lodge for two days, rainbow basson Arenal one day, and get in some bluewaterfishing with Danny Arnold aboardthe Talking Fish, out of the Sanctuary Lodgein Guanacaste for another day.This sort of publicity can generate a lotof business for our country and we’regrateful for the cooperation the lodges andboat operators offered. Also thanks to theHotel Herradura for offering to host themin San José, Los Lagos Resort at LakeArenal, Sanctuary Resort, Sansa Airlineand AeroTour air charter service.For more info on fishing or assistancein planning a trip to Costa Rica, contactJerry at jruhlow@costaricaoutdoors.comor visit www.costaricaoutdoors.comSkippers, operators and anglers areinvited to e-mail or call Jerry with fishingreports by Wednesday of each week. Call orfax: 282-6743 if calling from Costa Rica, orthrough the e-mail address above.


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