TEGUCIGALPA (AFP) – TheHonduras Supreme Court of JusticeTuesday discarded the possibility ofappointing “faceless judges” to judgedrug traffickers, as President RicardoMaduro proposed last week (TT, Aug. 6).“Everybody has the right to knowwho judges them,” said Vilma Morales,president of the Supreme Court.The proposal was announced after anAug. 3 meeting between Maduro andjudicial branch authorities in the aftermathof the murder of a judge.Authorities believe suspected drugtraffickers killed Judge Francisco Sánchez,who was attacked July 29. Anotherjudge from the same area, RogelioClara, said he was threatened withdeath.“As a matter of doctrine, facelessjudges could be discussed, but what weknow, as a court, are of special judges,”Morales said. She explained that specialjudges are those who have the authority tomove anywhere in the country to informthemselves about drug trafficking casesand rule on them.According to Morales, special judgeswould be less exposed to revenge becausethey would not live in the places wherethe crimes are committed.
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