A special commission of theLegislative Assembly began investigatingnew Comptroller General Álex Solís thisweek as accusations mount that he mayhave lent money to support illegal immigrationto the United States.Between 1998 and 2001, SouthernZone residents in search of a new life inthe United States allegedly borrowedmoney from Solís’ law firm to pay “coyotes”to take them into the NorthAmerican country, the daily newspapersreported this week. Some people mortgagedhomes that were later repossessedwhen the loans could not be repaid.The Legislative Assembly namedSolís the country’s new ComptrollerGeneral June 7. As head of theComptroller General’s Office, he is incharge of reviewing the government’sfinances and all contracts and public bids.Patriotic Bloc deputy Humberto Arcedenounced questionable dealings Solíshad been involved in, including signingofficial documents as his brother – OttónSolís, founder and president of the CitizenAction Party – and awarding loans.Solís has declined to comment to thepress on the matter.
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