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U.S. expats

La horma de mi zapato: On love and taxis

There are taxistas and there are taxistas. But on the whole, I love the river of amiable, chatty, and well-informed men who have carried me around the city day after day and week after week.

Ann Patton on her new trial: ‘It is my opportunity to finally, hopefully, get true justice’

Nearly nine months after a panel of Costa Rican judges found Ann Patton guilty of killing her wealthy U.S. husband in 2010 and sentenced her to 22 years in prison, she suddenly found herself a free woman on Thursday.

Chili cook-off heats up Atenas

Lots of chili, ranging from mild to flammable, was served up at the eighth annual Chili Festival in Atenas on Sunday. Twenty chili cooks...

Exploring Costa Rican Culture: The Unique Sound of One-Hand Clapping

Is a stop sign an indication that you should slow down (1 point)? A meaningless roadside decoration (5 points)? Or an indication to come to a full stop while looking both ways (subtract 20 points)?

Why you can’t watch ‘The West Wing’ in Costa Rica

So, you’ve moved to Costa Rica and realized there’s nothing to watch.

Nearly one-quarter of car owners fail to pay marchamo on time

The National Insurance Institute (INS) at noon Wednesday closed collection at their facilities of the year-end auto registration fee and mandatory vehicle circulation permits, known as marchamos, and reported that some 78.9 percent of motorists made the payment on time.

Hablando paja: What if Jesus had been born in Costa Rica?

A Costa Rican Nativity scene: one Wise Man falls through La Platina, another into a pothole. The last one calls Joseph. Mae, I’ll be there later, ya casi llego. Traffic, mae. Es que vieras que en La Uruca hay UUUUna presa…

14 upcoming changes you should know about for Riteve auto inspections

Costa Rica’s Roadway Safety Council (COSEVI) has published a new manual for mandatory technical vehicle inspections, conducted by the Spanish-Costa Rican company Riteve SyC. A total of 14 changes were published in the official government newspaper La Gaceta on Nov. 21, and will take effect in January 2015.

Keeping up with the Joneses? Try the Chickens and the Crazies

It turned out that every single home in the neighborhood had a special nickname floating above its roof, visible only to insiders. No wonder I had never understood directions around here. “You can’t miss it! Just go down by the Crazies’ house, turn left and keep going until you hit the Sausages.”

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