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Costa Rica Spanish Slang: 10 Spanish expressions for expats and tourists

You can't call yourself fluent in Costa Rican Spanish unless you understand its slang. 

10 Costa Rican Spanish expressions for expats and tourists

You can't call yourself fluent in Costa Rican Spanish unless you understand its slang. 

Understanding Spanish-language media when learning about the coronavirus

During the pandemic, it's more important than ever to have media literacy

Top 10 Costa Rican Spanish expressions for Tourists

You can't call yourself fluent in Costa Rican Spanish unless you understand its slang. 

De San Antonio de Desamparados a las estrellas: hermanos costarricenses brillan en la NASA

We are pleased offer this story in translation. Read the original story in English, published Monday, March 13. ¿Cómo te pones en contacto con dos...

Costa Rica y el ‘efecto Trump’ – sin protocolo de emergencia

"El problema es que varios políticos de Costa Rica (y quizás de otros países) vieron que esa fórmula funciona. Ya está probada."

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