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National Decarbonization Plan

Costa Rica launches special credits for electric cars, taxis and buses

Each of the three state banks presented their loan proposals to boost electric transport and replace fossil-fueled vehicles.

Watch: Costa Rica receives ‘Champions of the Earth’ award from UN

Costa Rice was named a United Nations "Champion of the Earth" for policy leadership.

Alvarado promotes Costa Rica’s commitment to combating climate change during U.N. General Assembly

President Alvarado was present in a panel with the heads of state or governments of Germany, France, Chile, Italy and Finland.

Costa Rica will run on more than 98% renewable energy for fifth consecutive year, government says

The Government of Costa Rica says the country will generate more than 99% of its energy from renewable sources in 2019. 

UN names Costa Rica as ‘Champion of the Earth’ for environmental efforts

The UN says the Central American country "sets an example for the region and for the world." 

‘A vision that demonstrates the capacity of Costa Rica’: New law will ban styrofoam

Costa Rica's road to decarbonization and improved ecological sustainability took a significant leap forward as the country passed a law that will prohibit the...

First Lady Claudia Dobles named as one of world’s greatest leaders

Dobles has spearheaded efforts to decarbonize Costa Rica by 2050.

Costa Rica bets on ending fossil fuel use by 2050

The aim is to have 70 percent of public transport powered by electricity in 2035 -- and the whole fleet by 2050.

Costa Rica announces charging grid for electric vehicles

The stations will allow the users of electric vehicles to charge 80 percent of the car battery within 20 minutes.

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