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Why Travel Insurance is a Must for Your Costa Rica Trip

When planning a trip to Costa Rica—whether for vacation or any other reason—considering travel insurance is crucial. Understanding the various factors involved, such as...

Costa Rica Health Pass: What to Know Before You Go

Before the pandemic, Costa Rica received over 1.7 million tourists annually, bringing an estimated 1.7 billion dollars in revenue with them. With COVID-19 devastating...

In virus hotspot Florida, a family mourns — and worries about bills

The 55-year-old native of El Salvador left behind a devastated family that must now mourn, all while it confronts a mind-blowing hospital bill.

INS Travel Insurance helps you stay safe while traveling abroad

You’ve saved up for months for that dreamed-of trip to Disneyland or to visit family in another country. You bought a new camera and...

Hundreds of gay couples sign up for expanded health insurance coverage in Costa Rica

Hundreds of same-sex couples have successfully applied to insure their partners after the Costa Rican Social Security System board of directors voted to expand health care benefits, a policy that went into effect a year ago Tuesday. Some of the highest acceptance rates occurred in rural areas.

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