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Doctors’ Association backs down from mandatory medical fees

The Costa Rican Doctors’ and Surgeons’ Association is moving forward with a study of fees charged by private practitioners for more than 9,000 medical procedures.

Costa Rica to use drones to deliver medicine to indigenous communities

Currently, it can take up to three days to deliver medicine to remote communities. Using drones, each delivery would take 30-45 minutes.

Mandatory prices for medical procedures rankle public, politicians

Christian Democratic Alliance lawmaker Mario Redondo on Friday submitted a draft bill aimed at banning professional associations from setting mandatory minimum medical tariffs. He proposes letting free competition set prices.

Costa Rica top ‘out-performer’ in 2016 Social Progress Index

Costa Rica was the biggest “out-performer” on social progress indicators like education, medical care and environmental quality when stacked up next to 132 other countries.

Plant one of these trees for Arbor Day

Happy Arbor Day – now get out there and plant something. Ed Bernhardt offers four options to inspire you to add some beauty to your surroundings.

Volcanic ash from Turrialba contributes to air pollution in metro area

Volcanologists believe Turrialba Volcano isn’t going to stop erupting any time soon and that could have long-term effects on people living downwind.

Costa Rica sees rise in domestic violence

The Puntarenas canton of Quepos had the highest rate of domestic violence over the past three years — 101 cases per 10,000 inhabitants.

Top medical experts say we should decriminalize all drugs and maybe go even further

A group of 22 medical experts convened by Johns Hopkins University and The Lancet have called this week for the decriminalization of all nonviolent drug use and possession. Citing a growing scientific consensus on the failures of the global war on drugs, the experts further encourage countries and U.S. states to "move gradually toward regulated drug markets and apply the scientific method to their assessment."

Beach and Ocean Safety: ‘Vacation brain’ in Costa Rica can be Deadly

Costa Rica has a high number of beach drownings for its size. That's due, in part, to the lack of lifeguards and vacationers letting their guard down at the beach, experts say. Here we provide tips for staying safe and a downloadable fact sheet on rip currents.

It’s time to end the war on drugs

In April of this year, U.N. member states will meet at for the first U.N. General Assembly Special Session on Drugs since 1998. At the last meeting the international community committed to achieving a “drug free world.” This time it can move into the post “war on drugs” era.

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