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Eco-Friendly Bug Control Tips for Costa Rican Gardens

HOME GARDENING: Gardening columnist Ed Bernhardt shares two newfound solutions to dry-season bugs: homemade sticky traps and insect spray.

Composting is gaining popularity in Costa Rican households

According to data from the Directorate of Radiological Protection and Environmental Health, organic waste composting has gained strength in Costa Rican households as a...

Sapodilla is a Chewing Gum Tree with Juicy Fruit

HOME GARDENING: Called chicle zapote in Spanish, the sapodilla makes an elegant tree for the home garden and produces delicious fruits.

Gardening in your Costa Rica Apartment with a Salad Bar Stand

Small urban gardens can be very productive and growing some of your own food is a great way to take charge of your health.

5 Easy and Eco Friendly Ways to Improve your Garden Soil

A growing number of concerned farmers and gardeners are changing the way we work with the soil to grow our food. We are now returning to a natural approach to return the gift of soil fertility to the land.

Epsom salts can help boost your Costa Rica garden’s fertility

HOME GARDENING: A simple spray made with magnesium-rich Epsom salts can improve production of tomato plants and other garden vegetables.

Costa Rican Gardens: Living Hedges, Fences Give A Pura Vida Look

If you are buying property here in Costa Rica or already have your piece of tropical paradise, sooner or later you’ll need to attend...

6 Reasons to Start Gardening in Costa Rica

Whether you've got a lot of space or a little, a green thumb or knack for killing plants, "Home Gardening" columnist Ed Bernhardt explains why this is the time to plan your Costa Rican garden.

Costa Rica Plants: What is Pico de Pájaro and How is it Used?

Welcome to our exploration of a fascinating and versatile plant known as Pico de pájaro, or Cassia occidentalis. This pantropical plant is a common...

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