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costa rica wildlife rescue

Watch: Snake stops traffic in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is home to about 140 snake species, of which only 23 are considered venomous.

Video of a Puma caught in Costa Rica released into wild

A puma that was captured Sunday in Costa Rica's Tibás neighborhood by the Firefighters Corps and the Environment and Energy Ministry (MINAE) has been...

Wildfire burns more than 1,200 hectares of mountainous areas west of San José

Costa Rica's Firefighters’ Corps reported that nearly 100 firefighters and volunteers managed to control some 75 percent of the wildfire on Sunday.

Costa Rica’s Sloth Sanctuary: Behind the Controversy and Cute Faces

CAHUITA, Limón -- There’s an area in the back of Costa Rica’s Sloth Sanctuary that most visitors do not see. More than 100 injured adult sloths are...

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