Uber said it plans to hire 300 people and invest $3.5 million in Costa Rica by the end of 2016. But the government received the news with a cold shoulder.
SAN FRANCISCO, California – Uber has spent more on lobbyists in the U.S. state of California than Facebook and Apple combined to fend off regulations aimed at the heart of its worldwide business model.
Strong winds and a choppy sea destroyed the bridge and dock ramp to access the ferry in Playa Naranjo on March 8, forcing ferry owner Coonatramar to suspend the service.
Thanks to “BicipúbliCartago,” a joint project between the Municipality of Cartago and the Dutch Embassy, the city has now received 100 new bicycles available for public use. While the “ride share” concept is extremely popular in Europe and increasingly common in the United States, BicipúbliCartago is the first example in Costa Rica.
Two weeks ago, Tamarindo Airport was shut down by Costa Rica’s Civil Aviation Authority due to runway safety concerns. Now the company that owns the land – Hotel Diria Beach Resort Group – has stated that it will “continue with its aeronautical operation once everything is resolved.”
Anyone who has driven in San José's Greater Metropolitan Area, where train tracks merge with vehicular traffic – often without signage and safety gates – will likely praise the ruling.