Union leaders hope to block vehicle traffic along the capital’s Second Avenue, in front of the Caja’s main building, to get the institution's attention.
Eliminating print slips will save Caja the ₡200 million (some $356,000) the agency invests each year in printing nearly 14 million social security slips.
On average 1,100 Costa Rican women are diagnosed with breast cancer and some 250 of them die each year. These figures are the highest in Central America and fourth in Latin America.
Recent research found that the Healthy Life Expectancy of Costa Ricans averages 71.85 years for women and 69.23 years for men. Both figures are better than the world average of 64 years.
The Costa Rican Doctors’ and Surgeons’ Association is moving forward with a study of fees charged by private practitioners for more than 9,000 medical procedures.