Following last week’s column about the basic requirements to start a company, where we focused on a sociedad anόnima as the most common and practical step, we now will look into the process in more detail.
Starting a business in Costa Rica probably requires establishing a company, just like anywhere else. This isn’t an especially onerous process, but you should understand some of the basic concepts of how the legal system works before you embark on your new venture.
Many expats from the United States are used to finding their favorite breakfast protein in the refrigerated section of the grocery store, but much of the world doesn’t refrigerate or wash their eggs, Costa Rica included. Both washed and unwashed eggs are safe to eat, as long as they are handled properly.
Costa Rica's Immigration Administration will begin enforcing a $100 fine at the country's borders on Monday for those who overstayed temporary residency visas. Tourism visas are not affected.
Much has changed in the world of Obamacare over the past few months since my last post on the subject. The broken website was repaired, the low enrollment numbers turned around (7.1 million people signed up, according to the White house) and open enrollment closed at the end of March. With Tax Day fast approaching, today we take a closer look at how the Affordable Care Act will affect specific expat situations.
Valentine's day is here, and love is in the air. If you're anything like me, there's only one thing on your mind: taxes. OK, maybe you aren't thinking about taxes when you spend time with your Valentine, but if you see wedding bells in your future, the U.S. tax implications should at least be considered.
On Jan. 12, an article containing false information about new Costa Rican immigration laws was published on the blog Costa Rica Star, and created an uproar. The Costa Rican expat community and a Tico lawyer were quick to point out that the article was full of false information and a copy of an article published almost four years ago.