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Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Here’s the chemistry that makes your beer taste good (or bad)

In a recent study, researchers found that more layers of foam on top of a liquid make it less likely to spill. So going with some hearty traditional beer may be good for more than just your holiday spirit. It could keep your clothes dry, too, as you get tipsier.

World leaders call for $23 billion to end pandemic this year

The UN chief was among world leaders calling for $23 billion to support the ACT-Accelerator, the landmark collaboration that makes these goods accessible to...

Coralmania: Celebrating Coral Reef Restoration in Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s Pacific coral reefs were planted with hundreds of fresh corals this month, as part of Coralmania, in an effort to highlight coral...

In San Jose Costa Rica Artisanal Fishers Demand Action off Coast of Corcovado

In San Jose, artisanal fishers demand action off coast of Corcovado As fish stocks are diminished, so is the livelihood of artisanal fishers. For years,...

5 Ways to Avoid Getting Sick Traveling in Central America

Central America and Costa Rica in particular, is an incredible place to travel! You can experience new cultures, explore rain forests or snorkel in...

How to Photograph Hummingbirds in Costa Rica

Hummingbirds are incredible birds in general but to see and photograph hummingbirds in Costa Rica should be on any photographers buck list! If you...

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