THIS year marks the 70th anniversaryof the establishment of diplomaticrelations between Japan and the fiveCentral American countries. As part ofthe celebration, the National Academyof Dramatic Arts of Honduras thisweekend will be presenting a theaterpiece in San José entitled “100 Sacksof Rice.”The piece is a moralistic fableabout Nagaoka, an impoverished townthat received a donation of 100 sacksof rice from a neighboring city. Ratherthan distribute the boon among thetown’s hungry citizens, Nagaoka’swise leader sold the rice and investedthe proceeds in the building of aschool, which went on to produceskilled graduates who eventually revitalizedthe town.The performance will be in theNational Auditorium in the Children’sMuseum in San José, end of Calle 4,Avenida 9. Three showings will beoffered: Feb. 19 at 8 p.m. and Feb. 20at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Admission is free.
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