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San Jose
Thursday, December 12, 2024

Dance Festival This Weekend

THE sixth annual National Dance Festival isscheduled today through Sunday at the Teatro MelicoSalazar in San José.Although the festival ran continually between1986 and 1989, it was then forgotten for 11 yearsuntil it was restarted in 2000. This year, 18 CostaRican dance groups tried out to form part of the festivaland 12 were chosen through secret voting.The dances will range in themes from magic realismof “Segundo Round” performed by independentdancers to the representation of the Costa Rican identityin “Historia Mínima” danced by Vicky Cortés tothe need to have personal space as represented in“Espacios” by the Tanz Projekt.IN addition to the 12 performances, there will bethree roundtable discussions with the themes ofdance: creative scenario, axis of formation and pedagogyand cultural politics for the development andpromotion of dance. Dance classes will also be givenin ballet, popular dance, contemporary, dance foractors, modern, pantomime and Cuban technique.Tickets for the dances are available for ¢2,000($4.60) ahead of time for each show or ¢3,000 ($7)the day of the show.Tickets can be purchased in advance at: the TallerNacional de Danza 222-9398, Compañía Nacional deDanza 222-2974, Danza Universitaria – UCR 207-4595, ANATRADANZA 227-2676, Estudio deDanza Libre 225-9751 and Escuela de Danza de laUNA 277-3394.


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