THE nation’s best golfers and fansof all abilities will putt and drive todayat Club Cariari, west of San José, forchildren interned in the NationalChildren’s Hospital.Golfers in the DHL Golf Tournamenttee off at 7 a.m. in the hopes ofraising money for the National Children’sHospital Association, a fundraisinggroup for the hospital.“The goal is to raise more than ¢19million ($40,250) that will be donatedto the association,” DHL GeneralManager Fernando Cruz said. “Thanksto the help of our sponsors and participants,that amount will be reached.”The tournament is open to the public.The entrance fee is $150 and organizersexpect 120 participants. Thewinner will receive a free flight to NewYork or Miami, and a package tour fortwo for a week at the British Open inSt. Andrews, Scotland, will be awardedrandomly to one of the participants.For information, call LizzethUreña at Parque de Diversiones at290-4410.
Today in Costa Rica