A Canadian tourist was killed Sundayduring a white-water rafting trip on thePacuare River, representatives of theCosta Rican tour company RíosTropicales announced.The victim, 19-year-old college studentCristina Dennett, was one of threetourists thrown from a raft in a section ofrapids on the Caribbean-slope river.The other two tourists were rescued,according to Río Tropicales manager RafaelGallo, but Dennett was trapped betweenseveral rocks and could not be pulled fromthe water in time, though those on site triedto save her.“It was an unfortunate accident,” Gallosaid. “The level of the river was low. Inadventure sports, situations of risk exist.”Agents of the Judicial InvestigativePolice (OIJ) recovered Dennett’s body.The government last year passed adecree that requires the certification ofadventure tours such as river rafting toincrease safety, something Gallo called“ridiculous” because the industry self-regulates.“All my guides are certified by theInternational Rafting Federation, but thegovernment won’t recognize that title,”Gallo said. Many tour operators are ignoringthe government regulation (TT, July 2).