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Sunday, January 5, 2025

British Businessman Stabbed to Death

A man identified by authorities asBritish businessman Thomas Purvis, 45,was found dead Monday morning in hisrented house in Sabana Sur, a neighborhoodin western San José. He was lyingon the floor of his bedroom, stabbedseven times, according to the JudicialInvestigation Police (OIJ).Friends, concerned because he had notturned up for a business meeting, begantelephoning him but received no answer.Two men and a woman, who were notidentified, went to his house and demandedthe landlord open up the building Purvishad been renting for the past nine months.Purvis worked selling electronic chipsthat contain a geographical positioningsystem. The chips are inserted intoclients’ bodies so they can be located incase of a kidnapping.A security guard in the area said thelast time he saw Purvis alive was around9 a.m. Saturday morning, when theBritish man returned to his house in hisIsuzu car. He said he did not see anyoneelse enter with Purvis.Police say robbery may have been themotive behind the killing. OIJ agentsbelieve Purvis had a large amount of cashwith him at the time of the murder.According to the daily newspaper AlDía, authorities suspect a young manPurvis knew was involved in the crime,which would explain why there was nosign of forced entry.However, an OIJ spokeswoman toldThe Tico Times that investigators wouldnot reveal any further details to the press,because doing so might hinder the investigation.British Consul Vicky Baxter also visited the crime scene.


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