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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Armed Attack in Costa Rica’s Limón Hospital

In a shocking incident at Tony Facio Hospital in Limón, three armed men infiltrated the medical center to carry out an attack on a targeted individual. The assailants, identified as Perez (21), Velasquez (22), and Cerdas (25), entered the hospital premises using a wooden ladder they brought with them.

The victim, Duarte Avilés, had previously been wounded in an armed attack over the weekend in the Ojo de Agua neighborhood in Limón. Francisco Muñoz, the deputy director of the medical center, revealed that the attackers breached the hospital’s perimeter mesh from the back and gained access through the roof.

During the attack, shots were fired from a window, resulting in a hospital employee being shot in the thorax. Despite one suspect attempting to evade capture by hiding in a manhole, law enforcement successfully apprehended him.

Firearms, clothing, and a vehicle intended for escape were seized at the scene. Duarte Avilés, who was under the custody of Public Force officers, lost his life in his hospital bed. The assailants appeared to specifically target him, given his involvement in a prior attack.

The incident unfolded around 6 a.m., according to police sources, and in addition to the fatal shooting, an official of the medical center sustained injuries.

While the details of the security measures in place for Duarte Avilés at the time of the attack are still under investigation, it has been confirmed that at least one officer was assigned to guard him, with a rotating shift of officers following established protocols.

As confirmed by authorities in charge of the case, the victim, known as “Suty,” had been receiving medical care at the hospital. Police information suggests that the assailants specifically targeted Duarte with the intent to “finish him off.”

The Ministry of Security’s press office directed inquiries about the case to the OIJ, indicating that further details are within the OIJ’s purview. Further information is expected as the investigation unfolds.

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