The International Book Fair of Costa Rica, which kicked off yesterday, has joined forces with the International Book Fair of Central America: get ready for an even broader array than usual of readings, lectures, music and activities. Since 1954, the Costa Rican Fair has sought to encourage reading habits, promote the expression of cultural identity and diversity, and encourage Costa Rican publishing.
The fair is not annual, so don’t miss it. The Antigua Aduana in Barrio Aranjuez offers a wide range of books from different publishers, professional development spaces, workshops and training sessions, school visits and children’s literature, as well as special guests. This year’s fair honors renowned Nicaraguan poet Ernesto Cardenal and beloved Costa Rican author Carmen Lyra.
You can check the whole program at the fair website, but here a few highlights. All locations given are within the Aduana complex:

Saturday 19
12 p.m.: Concert by Joaquín Yglesias at La Aduana Theater and staged music and poetry with Dub Queen Nzinga Maxwell at the food court.
3 p.m.: Music of Natalia Esquivel, “Arrullos de sol y mar,” at the rehearsal room of the Compañía Nacional de Teatro; storytelling at the Casa del Cuño; and a discussion on “Experiences related to Cortázar in Solentiname” with Oscar Castillo and renowned Nicaraguan poet Ernesto Cardenal at La Aduana Theater.
6 p.m.: Paper theater based on the tale “Kamishibai” in the La Aduana lobby.
Sunday 20
11 a.m.: Dance performance for children outside of La Aduana Theater.
12 p.m.: Music of saxophonist Rodrigo Rodríguez at the food court.
5:30 p.m.: Tribute to Costa Rican author Felipe Granados in the Joaquín García Monge Room.
6 p.m.: Storytelling picnic of Amanuense talesin the La Aduana Theater lobby.
Monday 21
12 p.m.: Curative music of Gabriel Wiernik at the food court.
4 p.m.: Round table on cultural issues with Warren Ulloa, Ulises Juárez Polanco, Alberto Calvo and Enrique Jaramillo in the Joaquín García Monge Room.
Tuesday 22
12 p.m.: “Jack and the Beanstalk,” performed by La Bicicleta Company at La Aduana theater.
1:30 p.m.: Lecture by Carlos Rubio for university students at the Joaquín García Monge Room.

Wednesday 23
12 p.m.: Music by guitarrist Roy Rodríguez at the food court.
5 p.m.: Round table discussion of “The economy of inequality” with varios speakers in the Joaquín García Monge Room.
Thursday 24
12 p.m.: Music by the Mendez Group at the food court.
1 p.m.: “Jack and the Beanstalk,” performed by La Bicicleta Company at La Aduana theater.
5 p.m.: Tribute to Guatemalan poet Gustavo Gonzáles Villanueva in the Joaquín García Monge Room.
Friday 25
12 p.m.: Music and staged poetry of Nzinga Maxwell at the food court, and theatrical performance “Complicidades” by Raquel Hernández and Luis Diego Solórzano at La Aduana Theater.
5:30 p.m.: Dr. Melania Lizano presents a lecture on meditation in the Joaquín García Monge Room.
Saturday 26
12 p.m.: Musician Natalia Esquivel presents “Costa Rican poetic song” at the food court.
2 p.m.: Costa Rican music with marimbas at the food court.
3 p.m.: Exhibit of Japanese caligraphy in the La Aduana Theater lobby.
9 p.m.: Party featuring the Germinal Group, in the Aduana’s Germinal Space.
Sunday 27
1 p.m.: Puppets from the Marionetas de Praga in the La Aduana Theater lobby.
2 p.m.: Music by Luis Diego Solórzano at the food court.
5 p.m.: Round table discussion entitled “Ways to get to know the country” with Rodolfo Lizano (Costa Rican Tourism Institute), Priscila Alfaro (Juan Santamaría Museum) and Loida Pretiz (Ministry of Culture and Youth), second floor of the Casa del Cuño.