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Monthly Archives: March, 2013

Tico Times on vacation for Semana Santa

We will open for normal business hours at 8 a.m. on April 1.

Costa Rica pushes for arms treaty

18 Nobel Peace Prize laureates sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama emphasizing the importance of a treaty in a movement toward global peace.

Shape-shifters’ world

Someone Said: We all started out as a gamete, a single cell with a lot of potential looking for a mate to unlock its powers.

Judas night: An explosive tradition

Around Costa Rica: Judas Night is a tradition going back to the middle ages but adopted to local custom.

Industry trade fair to focus on carbon neutrality

Some 200 businesses are expected to participate.

Tamarindo: New, notable and not-to-be-missed

Exploring Costa Rica: Options for Tamarindo hotels and restaurants.

Airport duty free stores expanding

Sales last December alone totaled $843,000.

Tamarindo at play

Catch “The Odd Couple” Friday and Saturday nights at Fisch’s Restaurant.

Liceo de Villareal High School opens Central America’s first school skate park

Students got a clean slate in exchange for improving their grades, helping with volunteer work and attending class.

Will El Salvador end amnesty?

A 1993 amnesty agreement has meant that perpetrators of massacres during El Salvador’s civil war have gone free. But will a recent court ruling change that?

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