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HomeArchiveSan José Named Culture Capital

San José Named Culture Capital

ALTHOUGH Costa Rica isn’talways known for its culture, particularlycompared to the rest of LatinAmerica and Spain, San José was ratifiedlast week as the Latin American-Iberian Culture Capital for 2006. Thehonor came from the Executive Committeeof the Union of Latin American-Iberian Capital Cities (UCCI).San José was selected based on its“cultural path” and because the InternationalFestival of Arts in 2006 will beheld here, Madrid Deputy Mayor Mercedesde la Merced told ACAN-EFE.During a ceremony yesterday thathad President Abel Pacheco among theattendants, De la Merced, secretarygeneral of the UCCI, gave San Josémayor Johnny Araya a parchmentdeclaring the city the Culture Capital.“The declaration of San José as theLatin American-Iberian Culture Capital2006 is an excellent opportunity forjosefinos and, in general, Costa Ricansto contribute a greater knowledge andgive greater value to the traditions andexpressions of different peoples,”Pacheco said.The President asked Mayor Arayato provide ample space in culturalevents for indigenous cultures.The Municipality of San José willcoordinate in 2006 a series of artistic,cultural and tourist activities throughoutthe city, particularly in spacespegged for revitalization.The plans include a national poetryfestival, a Latin American-Iberian festivalof theater, the International Festivalof Arts in March, and a greater pushfor urban and street art.

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