VICE-MINISTER of Finance JoséArmando Fallas has resigned from hispost, citing problems with FinanceMinister Federico Carrillo, the daily LaNación reported.Fallas, the vice-minister in charge ofrevenue, reportedly managed issues relatedto the fiscal plan, a controversial bill toreform Costa Rica’s tax system. He claimsCarrillo took these duties away from him.Carrillo issued an official statement inresponse, saying the work promoting fiscalreform is the direct responsibility of theMinister. He also said the Finance Ministryappreciated the work of Fallas and wishedhim luck in his future projects.Carrillo has faced criticism from somelegislators and unions over his handlingof the nation’s finances since he took overas Finance Minister last September (TT,Sept. 17, 2004, Feb. 11).
Today in Costa Rica