THE National Animal ProtectionAssociation (ANPA) will hold its annualcanine festival this Sunday, March 6,at Roosevelt Plaza, behind the OutletMall in San Pedro, beginning at 9 a.m.Promoting care and adoption ofzaguates (mixed-breed dogs), theevent will include dog contests – suchas “talent search” and “best dog/ownerlook-alike” – demonstrations, a miniflea market, food and fun. Approximately30 healthy, spayed dogs willbe available for adoption.ANPA is looking for personalhousehold items and books for the saletable. Dogs accompanied by ownersare welcome.ANPA cares for abandoned dogs,holds spaying clinics around the countryand offers dogs for adoption. Formore information, go to the festival orcall 228-2397 or 255-3757.
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