GRANADA – Former MayorEugenio Hernández, of the LiberalConstitutional Party, was sentenced lastFriday to 25 years in prison for the murderof 26-year-old Nicaraguan journalistMaría José Bravo, gunned down Nov. 9while covering a controversial voterecount in the municipality of Juigalpa, inthe department of Chontales.Hernández, who served as Mayor inthe town of El Ayote in the early 1990s,gave the media a victorious thumbs-upupon hearing the conviction that will puthim behind bars until 2029.The slain journalist’s mother, EldaAntonia Sánchez, told reporters after theverdict that she had wanted the judge togive Hernández a 30-year-sentence, butthat she would accept 25 years, accordingto La Prensa, the paper for which Bravoworked as a correspondent.Bravo reportedly received severaldeath threats in the days before her assassination.She had been looking into votingirregularities during last November’smunicipal elections in Juigalpa. She wasshot at close range as she exited one ofthe voting centers conducting the recount(TT, Nov. 12, 2004).Hernández’s defense lawyer said hewould appeal the verdict.
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