THE Cap and Gown Chapter ofthe National Honor Society forCollege Seniors at San Diego StateUniversity, California recently honoredlong-time resident Jerry Ledinnot only for Ledin’s contribution tothe university during his 23 yearsthere in human resources management,but also for his continued serviceto society after retirement.After Ledin was graduated fromthe University of Minnesota, hespent two years in the Peace Corpsin Bolivia. He served in the U.S.Army and went on to do graduatework at Pepperdine University.Since his retirement, Ledin hasbeen a volunteer and consultantwith the Costa Rica NationalSymphony Orchestra, a board memberof the Residents‚ Association ofCosta Rica, and a board member ofthe Costa Rican-North AmericanCultural Center, where he chairs theAcademic Committee and is amember of the Cultural Committee.LEDIN is also President ofDemocrats Abroad for the WesternHemisphere.He is also a member of theAmerican Colony Committee andhelps with fundraising and supportfor the Women’s Club of Costa RicaScholarship Program.
Today in Costa Rica