FOREIGN Minister Roberto Tovarhas sent the country’s condolences to thefamilies of the victims of the recent hostagestandoff at a school in Beslan, Russia.At least 335 people, many of themchildren, died in the three-day standoffbetween Russian troops and a group ofChechen rebels demanding independencefor their region from Russia.Tovar sent a message to his Russiancounterpart, Seguéi Lavrov, and reiteratedCosta Rica’s solidarity with Russia.During the standoff, the Costa RicanAmbassador in Moscow, PlutarcoHernández, had offered himself inexchange for the children’s freedom.“It was a humanitarian act of solidaritythat expresses a laudable sentiment,”Tovar said. “However, it was a unilateral,unadvised action that could have compromisedCosta Rica’s Foreign Ministry, thegovernment, and the country, which iswrong diplomatically.”
Today in Costa Rica