NEW (and old) transportation linksmake Flamingo and Potrero more accessiblethan ever before.By car: Driving time from San José tothe area is about five hours. Take the Inter-American Highway northwest from SanJosé to Liberia, then head southwestthrough Filadelfia, Belén, Portegolpe andHuacas, before heading north throughBrasilito to Flamingo and Potrero.Alternatively, the turn-off for theTaiwan Friendship Bridge at Limonal onthe Inter-American Highway takes youthrough Nicoya and Santa Cruz, then viaPortegolpe and Huacas.From beaches farther north inGuanacaste, the 16-km. bumpy, unpaved,so-called “Monkey Trail” connects Playasdel Coco with Potrero. Use 4WD, andattempt the route only in the dry season.By bus: TRALAPA (221-7202, Av. 3,Calle 20) buses depart San José at 8 and 11a.m. and 3 p.m. Travel time is five to sixhours. Buses travel via Liberia or the bridge.By shuttle: Interbus (283-5573, and Gray Line(220-2126, shared minivan service from SanJosé and many other places around thecountry to several area hotels. Reserve atleast a day in advance.Ecotrans (Flamingo Marina Resortlobby, 654-5151, provides shuttle service in air-conditionedminivans to area attractions (beaches,golf courses, hotels and restaurants)and the airports in Liberia and Tamarindo(and even as far away as San José), as wellas offering standardized and customizedtours.By air: Costa Rican domestic airlineSANSA (221-9414, San José’s Juan SantamaríaAirport with Daniel Oduber Airport inLiberia and the airstrip in Tamarindo.Nature Air (220-3054, flies from Tobías Bolaños Airport inPavas to Liberia and Tamarindo. Eitherairport in Guanacaste is about 45 minutesfrom Flamingo. Delta (257-4141, flies six times weeklyfrom Atlanta to Liberia. American (267-1266, connects Miami andLiberia three times weekly. Continental(0-800-044-0005, to Liberia three times weekly fromHouston.