U.S. senators John Cornyn (R-Texas)and Richard Shelby (R-Alabama)addressed a large crowd at the U.S.Independence Day picnic at the CerveceríaCosta Rica in Alajuela last Saturday.The two legislators visited the countrylast week as part of a brief trip to CentralAmerica to explore the potential of the yet to-be-approved Central American Free-Trade Agreement (CAFTA) with theUnited States.“We’ve had a wonderful time inCentral America, learning not only moreabout our shared values as part of theAmericas but also the great potential ofthis country and other Central Americancountries,” Cornyn said.“We’re privileged to celebrate theFourth of July with you here today and seesuch a tremendous representation ofAmericans in Costa Rica who are the trueambassadors of our nation to this nationand other nations in this area,” he added.Shelby agreed.“When I see the flag flying, and I seeyou all here representing America, I feelvery proud,” he said.Cornyn urged the crowd to rememberAmerican soldiers engaged in conflictaround the world.“I hope that today we will think aboutthem often, and say a prayer for them andtheir safety,” he said.Cornyn said he and Shelby began theirtrip in Guatemala “and we’ve been workingour way south.”“We’re glad to be here, to learn a littlebit more about Costa Rica and CentralAmerica, and how important our relationshipis,” Cornyn said at the picnic, organizedby the American Colony Committee(see separate article).“We’re not missing [the United States]at all,” he added.