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HomeArchiveU.N. Donates $660,000 to Conservation Efforts Here

U.N. Donates $660,000 to Conservation Efforts Here

THE United Nations DevelopmentProgram (UNDP) has announced it willdonate $630,000 to Costa Rica to helpeliminate the use of Chlorofluorocarbons(CFC), which most scientists agree damagethe ozone.The donation was made as a part ofInternational Environment Day last weekend.The money will fund a 42-monthproject that will be administered by theEnvironment and Energy Ministry(MINAE), with the goal of completelyeliminating CFC consumption here by2010.“Costa Rica is an international exampleof environmental protection and atUNDP we are committed to supportingthis culture of protection,” said JoséManuel Hermda, UNDP’s director inCosta Rica.UNDP also announced a $60,000donation to help eradicate poaching inCorcovado National Park, on the OsaPeninsula.The funds will be used to supportthree anti-poaching efforts in the area,including educational programs and anew guard station on the park’s largelyunmanned northern border – the preferredentrance for many poachers (TT, March19).

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