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Friday, February 14, 2025

Rain Delays Fishing in Some Areas

RAIN has fallenthroughout the countrylast week andthere are no reports ofany fishing at Barradel Colorado on theCaribbean coast.According toboat operators on thenorthern Pacificcoast, rains havebeen intermittent andthere has been torridmarlin bite, running more than 20 miles toget outside the red tide. That’s closer thanit was a week ago and the bite is improvingby the day, with an exceptional marlin biteto the north. Boats were only running 30miles the week before.We mentioned last week thatGamefisher II skipper Richard Chellemihad a good day with four marlin releases.He finished up his three-day fishing trip lastweekend with Randy and Brad Swensonand Brad Dressler going five for nine onmarlin and another that pulled the hookalong with three tuna and two dorado.White Magic skipper Danny Arnoldreported last Saturday that he had fourmarlin releases and went three releases forseven marlin up the day before.The Top Gun also had a marlin to theboat over the weekend and most everyone isgetting small tuna and some dorado as well.Further south on the Pacific coast, BillKieldsen at Los Sueños Marina reports hefished Florida angler Matt Baldwin, his sonShawn and daughter Jennifer 25 milessoutheast of the marina on the Sailfish, andwent 14 sail releases for the day, with twotriple and three double hookups.That’s a longer run than normal, butaccording to Kieldsen, the red tide inshoreis pushing the fish out to deeper water.No current reports from Quepos andpoints south, but would sure like to hearfrom someone there every week. Keep inmind that the reports must be current, withdates that catches are made.For more info on fishing or assistance inplanning a trip to Costa Rica, contact Jerryat orvisit www.costaricaoutdoors.comSkippers, operators and anglers areinvited to e-mail or call Jerry with fishingreports by Wednesday of each week. Call orfax: 282-6743 if calling from Costa Rica, orthrough the e-mail address above.


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