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costa rica dining

More than 100,000 layoffs as 40% of Costa Rica’s restaurants close

7,980 restaurants have closed this month, leading to the dismissal of 109,440 workers.

Pic of the Day: Hot chocolate with a garden view

Minutes outside of San José toward Cerro Zurquí, Sibú Chocolate serves some of the finest Costa Rican delicacies around. 

Santa Teresa Deep Dive: The Bakery

If I were airdropped in front of the Bakery, I wouldn’t feel like I were] in Costa Rica. My first impression of the place was a familiar, welcoming feeling of being in a cozy Portland café.

Jacó Rustico: Keeping it Tico-style in a touristy town

The beloved Jacó Rustico is a comforting reminder of home for Ticos and a nice slice of culture for foreigners in one of Costa Rica's most popular tourist towns.

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