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Costa Rica Shuts Down State Zoos, Ends Animal Captivity

The government of Costa Rica has announced the closure of the country’s two state zoos, following an 11-year legal battle over a law prohibiting the caging of wild animals in captivity. The contract with the Fundazoo Foundation, which managed the zoos, will not be renewed. The 400 animals under the Foundation’s care will be transferred to rescue centers, such as SOAVE, for examination and assessment before their final destination is determined. Although there will no longer be zoos with caged animals in Costa Rica, private parks and rescue centers will continue to operate.

Power Outages Scheduled by ICE Across Costa Rica

The Costa Rican Electricity Institute announced upcoming power outages due to critically low energy reserve levels in the National Electric System. The situation is attributed to reduced hydroelectric flows, non-compliance of leased thermal plant suppliers, and increased domestic energy demand. ICE assured that industrial sectors, high-voltage customers, hospitals, and major health centers will not be affected by the measure. However, some ICE executives mentioned poor planning and delays in private thermal plants contracted to guarantee electricity supply during the dry season. ICE remains committed to minimizing the impact of power cuts.

Exchange rate crisis hits Costa Rica’s banana sector

Standard Fruit Company of Costa Rica confirmed the dismissal of 412 workers from its banana farms due to the abrupt appreciation of the Costa Rican cologne, which has negatively impacted the competitiveness of Costa Rican fruit exports. The company also stated that more layoffs could occur if the exchange rate remains the same or drops further. The decision affected all seven of the company’s banana farms, and employees were paid full benefits. Other areas of the company, including pineapple farms and a free trade zone for services, are also at risk of layoffs. The business sector had previously warned that the current exchange rate is unsustainable for their productivity and that without changes, many companies would close or lay off personnel.

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