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Costa Rica Advances Limon Marina Project

Costa Rica’s Congress has taken a significant step toward making the long-awaited marina project in Limón a reality by granting a procedural waiver for a bill that promotes the project. This bill, introduced by María Marta Carballo, aims to amend the Organic Law of JAPDEVA, allowing the development of infrastructure and commercial projects through private alliances while ensuring a transparent bidding process. The $854 million marina and cruise terminal project is expected to create around 23,000 jobs and boost economic growth in the Caribbean region. With strong support from Congress members, including Limón’s representative Katherine Moreira, the project has garnered interest from multiple international companies.

Costa Rica Proposes Groundbreaking Law to Combat Noise Pollution

Costa Rican Congressman Antonio Ortega of the Frente Amplio party has introduced a pioneering bill to combat noise pollution and promote “positive soundscapes” as a fundamental right. The legislation aims to improve public health and urban living by enforcing strict penalties for noise violations, including fines and the suspension of business permits. Local governments and the Ministry of Health will play key roles in monitoring and enforcing these regulations. The initiative has garnered support from Costa Rica Sin Ruido, an organization that highlights the broader benefits of quieter environments, including improved mental health, productivity, and sustainability. This groundbreaking approach could position Costa Rica as a leader in urban soundscape management in Latin America.

Costa Rica’s Surf Star Brisa Hennessy

Costa Rican surfer Brisa Hennessy has secured her place in the prestigious Lexus WSL Finals, set to take place in California this November. Despite suffering a foot injury during the Corona Fiji Pro competition, where she required stitches after a fall, Hennessy persevered and advanced through the elimination rounds. Although she was later defeated in the quarterfinals by Brazil’s Tatiana Weston-Webb, Hennessy reflected positively on her year, having competed in the Olympics and finishing among the top 5 surfers globally. With the finals approaching, anticipation is high for her next performance.

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