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Try a little Costa Rican Magic for a Lucky 2022

An old Tico belief holds that whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes 12 on Dec. 31 will characterize your year to come.

Pejibayes in Costa Rica – The Ultimate Rainy Season Fruit

Visitors to Costa Rica during the rainy season will come across the pejibaye harvest in local markets. This unusual fruit comes from a tropical palm, often called peach palm in English, and has a starchy, orange mesocarp or midsection that is edible when cooked.

Prepare to party: Costa Rica readies for Fiestas de Palmares 2020

The Palmares tope is one of the country’s most famous, with cowboys from all over the country turning up to show off their riding skills and sometimes other talents. 

Fast Food in Costa Rica: Global Chains Embrace Local Traditions

When you have more than 14,000 restaurants in 116 countries, you must accept a difficult truth: Not everybody eats the same thing. Some abhor...

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