When a gunman assassinated Óscar Romero in 1980, the Archbishop of San Salvador became one of the most famous martyrs in world history. Other Catholic priests had championed the poor, criticized the Salvadoran government, and protested escalating violence, but Romero’s death resonated.
Ex-Ánima’s real triumph is its technical sophistication: “Shark Smile” is a “black light” show, a style that started in Europe in the 1960s and has wowed audiences ever since.
Tickets for the remaining show range from $40 to $70, and can be purchased www.specialticket.net. The Sunday performance begins at 2 p.m. at the Melico Salazar Theater.
In honor of the Western world’s most famous playwright, the inimitable Globe Theatre will visit Costa Rica for a one-night performance at Teatro Espressivo.