With the objective of boosting tourism and improve the living conditions of its inhabitants, the CReW+ project promotes the development of a sanitation project...
The Life Insurance Company of the National Teachers’ Union (SSVMN) is hosting a collection campaign of both acid and alkaline batteries that will be sent to a recycling center in Canada.
The proposed construction of a landfill in the canton of Mora, 20 kilometers west of San José, has angered local residents who say they will fight to protect their natural resources. But time is running out.
In a press conference Monday afternoon, National Liberation Party lawmaker Juan Rafael Marín threatened to trash the front lawn of the Casa Presidencial – literally. Marín, along with five other lawmakers, called the press conference to draw attention to the closure of 22 municipal solid waste dumps across the country. They say the closures have left municipal governments with few options to manage their citizens' garbage.