Nicaraguans face a future of repression and economic hardship under long-term leader Daniel Ortega, who won elections Sunday widely denounced as a "sham," analysts...
Central America's poorest country, Nicaragua, which holds a presidential election on Sunday, has been mired in political crisis for three years.
Former guerrilla turned longtime...
Nicaragua on Thursday arrested the top two leaders of the country's business owners' union, police said, bringing the number of government opponents detained ahead...
Nicaragua is "one of the worst dictatorships in the world" with its President Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo preparing "fake elections" to stay in power, the EU's foreign policy chief said Monday.
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega's embattled government will eventually "fall", said the country's awarding-winning novelist Sergio Ramirez, the target of an arrest warrant issued by Managua.
Have you seen our video series "Fleeing Nicaragua" yet? The three parts give room to the voices of three refugees from Nicaragua, living in a camp in Costa Rica.