Central American countries are preparing for a wave of migrant caravans containing people from as far away as Africa and Asia to cross their territories,...
In 2019, 24,000 people crossed the inhospitable Darien jungle that straddles the border with Colombia. More than 4,000 people have made the dangerous journey this year.
Miseney, 37, is one of hundreds of Haitians who — unable to continue the journey north due to the coronavirus pandemic — is stuck in a Panamanian migrant shelter, where violence has exploded in recent days.
More than 1,500 undocumented migrants who were on their way to the United States are stranded due to the coronavirus pandemic in a jungle area of Panama.
They're not just migrants, they're builders, cooks, painters and seamstresses: the caravan of Central Americans gathering at the U.S. border boasts an attractive workforce and Tijuana, their last stop before California, wants to tap it.
On a rainy morning in Nicaragua's south, two men step out of the jungle and into a boat that will transport them a short distance over the border with Costa Rica, slipping past border guards and police to safety.