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Las Crucitas

Costa Rica court orders new trial over alleged Crucitas mine impropriety 

An appeals court called for a new trial against former Environment Minister Roberto Dobles for approving the controversial Infinito Gold mining project.

Former environment minister faces corruption allegations over controversial gold mine concession

Former Environment Minister Roberto Dobles (2006-2010), right, and his lawyer, Laureano Castro, appeared in a Goicoechea court on Monday, Oct. 27, along with six other...

Costa Rica to spend $2 million annually in fight against cancelled gold mine project

The government of Costa Rica announced Tuesday morning that it was ready to suit up and meet Infinto Gold, Ltd. at the World Bank's International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.

Infinito Gold files lawsuit against Costa Rican government over canceled gold mining contract

After months of saber rattling, Infinito Gold, Ltd. announced Monday that it had filed for a Request for Arbitration with a World Bank court in its protracted dispute with the government of Costa Rica over the canceled Las Crucitas gold mining concession.

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