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Exploring Costa Rican Culture: The Unique Sound of One-Hand Clapping

Is a stop sign an indication that you should slow down (1 point)? A meaningless roadside decoration (5 points)? Or an indication to come to a full stop while looking both ways (subtract 20 points)?

Huevos Galore: A Hilarious Guide to Costa Rican Egg Slang for Expats

Most weeks, I aspire to examine Costa Rican language and culture with as much subtlety and sensitivity as I can muster. Most weeks, I...

Ojalá: A Costa Rican sense of luck

On the whole, Ticos could benefit from attributing less to chance and more to human behavior. But I hope we never lose awareness of the myriad things outside our power.

The Real Secret of Costa Rica: Grapes and MacGyver

I have seen aspects of Costa Rica that are unflattering, exasperating, and downright infuriating, but there is an unruffled approach to life that does seem rather mysterious, and that I think has gradually worked its way into my bones over the years. What’s in the water?

Costa Rica Culture Through Its Humorous Language

People who visit Costa Rica love many different things about it – its commitment to peace, its empty beaches, the epic kindness of its...

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