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July 4

A Look Back: Remembering the Costa Rica Fourth of July Picnic in 1965

Fifty-seven years ago in July was simply unforgettable. Sure, I was all of 6 years old, and had only just begun to have my...

US, Costa Rican national parks in focus at US Embassy’s July 4 celebration

U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica S. Fitzgerald Haney marked the 240th anniversary of U.S. independence alongside the 100th anniversary of the U.S. National Park Service, praising the park system of both the U.S. and Costa Rica.

PHOTOS: The American Colony’s 55th annual Fourth of July picnic

As in years past, Saturday's picnic included a flag-raising ceremony and singing of the U.S. and Costa Rican national anthems as well as games, music, dancing, great food, and plentiful beer.

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