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Costa Rica’s top prosecutor: Judicial branch must get better at policing drug cartel influence

Mexican and Colombian drug cartels have infiltrated Costa Rica's judicial system, the country's top prosecutor said Friday, following the arrest of a high-profile judge accused of working for drug traffickers.

Golfito fishermen caught with 2 tons of cocaine show up for appeal, get 6 months preventive detention

Last week, we reported on a curious story of three Costa Rican fishermen who were nabbed with almost two tons of cocaine near the southern Pacific port city of Golfito. Then-Public Security Minister Mario Zamora called the arrest "the most important [drug] seizure in years."

UPDATE: Coast Guard seizes 1.9 tons of cocaine in Golfito

The Costa Rican Coast Guard in the southern city of Golfito confiscated 1.9 tons of cocaine Tuesday, and Spain seized 2.5 tons in a shipping container from Moín, according to the Public Security Ministry.

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