“LOS Recibidores y el Café enCosta Rica” documents the 3,000 coffee“collection barns” (recibidores) in thecountry. An initiative of the Institute ofTropical Architecture, the book...
A new technology being tested inTilarán, a town in northwestern CostaRica, suggests innovative coffee-dryingmethods have the power to benefit theenvironment.The Tilarán coffee-producers cooperativeCoopeldos R.L.,...
PINEAPPLE displaced coffee as thesecond-highest export product from CostaRica this year. Sales totaled $180.7 millionin the third quarter of the year, 30%more than the...
IT pays to have rain forest around afarm, new research on a Costa Rican coffeeplantation suggests.U.S. scientists monitoring the effectsof bee pollination on Finca...
BETWEEN 150,000 and 200,000coffee pickers, most of whom are fromNicaragua and other countries, will participatein the coffee harvest in CostaRica, which is expected to...
COFFEE-producing countriesreceive only a small portion of the worldwidecoffee industry’s total revenues.Coffee is an $80 billion industry worldwide.However, producing countries keeponly $5 billion of...
AFTER six months of rising prices,international coffee prices dropped 20%in the past month following predictionsthere will be no freezing during Brazil’snext harvest.Brazil is the...
MANAGUA – Despite years ofdrought, the onset of a coffee crisis and thedevastation of Hurricane Mitch, overallpoverty in Nicaragua fell from 50.3% in1993 to...
THE Costa Rican Coffee Institute(ICAFE) and the University of Costa Rica(UCR) are teaming up to create a universitycourse on the art of processing coffee.The...