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Venezuela contact group, including Costa Rica, recognizes Guaido as speaker

A dozen countries working on ways to end Venezuela's crisis on Thursday gave their backing to opposition leader Juan Guaido as parliamentary speaker, rejecting the claims of a rival.

Five keys to Argentina’s economic crisis

South America's third biggest economy is in virtual default, according to Argentina's President Alberto Fernandez, who claims it is suffering a similar crisis to the worst of its history in 2001.

Teens arrested worldwide, including Costa Rica, as police smash global pedophile ring

Ten people were arrested in Latin America -- four in Ecuador, two in Uruguay, two in Peru and two in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica ends year with more than 26,000 ‘irregular migrants’ on the books

Tens of thousands of people, primarily from Cuba and Haiti, made 2016 an unusual year on, and within, Costa Rica's borders.

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