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Plants in Costa Rica That Help with Aches and Pains

Home Gardening columnist Ed Bernhardt offers up his favorite plants and recipes for pain-relieving teas, tinctures and poultices.

Pejibayes in Costa Rica – The Ultimate Rainy Season Fruit

Visitors to Costa Rica during the rainy season will come across the pejibaye harvest in local markets. This unusual fruit comes from a tropical palm, often called peach palm in English, and has a starchy, orange mesocarp or midsection that is edible when cooked.

6 Popular Tropical Foods of Costa Rica you thought you knew

Here are six tropical foods and spices that grow in Costa Rica that you definitely know but probably have never seen au naturel.

Fitch maintains Costa Rica’s ‘B’ rating with negative outlook

It’s déjà vu all over again for Costa Rica’s investment rating.

Lawmakers in Costa Rica ask government to speed up medical cannabis debate

Costa Rica has said it supports hemp production, but has expressed reservations with cannabis, claiming it would need to create mechanisms to prevent its recreational use.

WhatsApp stresses privacy as users flock to rivals

WhatsApp on Tuesday reassured users about privacy at the Facebook-owned messaging service as people flocked to rivals Telegram and Signal following a tweak to its terms.
Costa Rica Travel Insurance
Costa Rica Travel Insurance
Costa Rica Fishing Tourament
Costa Rica Coffee Maker

The Bolivian Amazon Orchestra Revives a Unique Indigenous Opera in the World

A rare Baroque opera written by an indigenous person, whose scores were hidden for centuries in a church in the Bolivian Amazon, came to...

Expat Living: Moving to a New House in Costa Rica

Moving isn’t fun in any country. Nothing extols the virtues of minimalism like picking up all your stuff and putting it back down again...

Panama’s President-Elect Vows Deportation for Darién Migrants

Panama's president-elect, José Raúl Mulino, promised this Thursday to deport migrants who enter the country through the Darién jungle, which borders Colombia, on their...